Interior Kennels
All interior kennels are heated and air-conditioned. They range in size from 9 square feet, for small dogs, to over 20 square feet for larger breeds or families with more than one dog. No sharing for pets who do not live together. Most of the pens are design for privacy and open into an aisle, rather than facing other dogs across a room. The walls between these compartments are solid to the ceiling, so the dogs cannot see, or be seen by each other. This is a great comfort for shy pets, which like to take their time to get acquainted. These compartments open to a connecting outdoor run. We normally allow dogs 24- hour access to their private run.
Exterior Kennels
The connecting outside runs are 12 feet in length. The walls between the runs are blocked up enough to let the dogs socialize without being able to be urinate into each other’s space. All of these runs have solid tops to protect the dogs from too much sun or rain, and to be extra sure that no “would be escape artist” could climb out. The kennels are divided into sections with each section being surrounded by a play yard with a 7-foot high fence. An average of six kennels per section allows the staff to let all the dogs out, one at a time, (free of charge).
We find that many pets do not like go potty on the cement. You may purchase extra playtime if you think your dog really needs it.
The Cattery
The cats and an occasional rabbit are kept in a separate part of the building, away from the dogs. The smallest kitty condo is a large 4 foot square area — really big enough for two kitties who get along. But for the folks who want their cat (or cat family) to have plenty of space, we have several condos twice that size and one king size suite. The prices on these vary depending on the number of cats. Call for information. There is heat, air condition, music, a fish tank, and a bill of fare to their liking. Each cat is turned out to play on the kitty gyms or explore the cattery while its condo is being cleaned and food is being served.